The past oil price crisis is one of the triggers for the beginning of heating planning and the rise of district heating in many European countries.
In Germany, the ZIP programme (German abbreviation for Future Investment Programme for Cities) causes district heating to boom. Mannheim is one of the first cities to take part.
As early as in the 1930, Mannheim’s superpower station, a coal-fired power station, had supplied industrial companies located in the area with district steam. Now residential quarters are being connected to the hot-water district heating network.
VAG develops special valves for this purpose that are suitable for temperatures of up to 200°C and supports the University of Stuttgart in its tests of the new requirements.
As a result, the district heating networks of quite a few other cities, such as Heidelberg, Cologne, Münster, Sofia, Malmö, Turin and Utrecht are equipped with valves made by VAG.
Today as well valves like the VAG EKN Butterfly Valve are offered as types that can withstand high temperatures of up to 200°C and which are suitable for use in power stations, in industry and in district heating pipelines.
By the way, with a length of about 800 km, the Mannheim district heating network belongs to Europe’s largest. Over 60% of the households in Mannheim are heated with district heating.