VAG turns 150.
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1800 apprentices in 25 years

The years of apprenticeship

training workshop is probably the investment which is the most significant for
the future development of a company.”

With these words, Carl Reuther, the founder’s grandson, opens a ceremony to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the company’s own training workshop.

In these 25 years, 1800 apprentices completed their training at Bopp & Reuther.

The trades young people were trained in in the first years included:

  • Machine fitter
  • Toolmaker
  • Lathe operator
  • Mechanic
  • Electrician
  • Moulder
  • Foundry pattern maker
  • Foundry pattern maker (ist in EN dasselbe)
  • Industrial electrician
  • Industrial locksmith
  • Blacksmith
  • Draftsman
  • Draftswoman

At that time, most of the titles of the technical professions were stated in the masculine form, the only exception being the draftswomen.

Small wonder because this time is still characterised by a mainly conservative idea of women and families. It is not until the 1960s that the image of working women gradually loses its negative reputation.

Six years after Carl Reuther’s opening speech, the term of “Lehrling” (old-fashioned for apprentice / trainee) was replaced by the more modern term of “Auszubildende/r” in the Federal Republic of Germany and binding standard regulations for traineeships in companies were set up and entered into force all over Germany.

The success story of Germany’s dual vocational training system serves as a blueprint for vocational training and the partnership between the government and the economy to many countries inside and outside Europe.
